The Importance of Gut health in Children

Over the last decade, the gut – or rather the 100 trillion microbes living inside it, known as the microbiome – has been unearthed as a vital organ, controlling not only our digestion, but our immune system, and even mood. From depression to diabetes, asthma to cancer, obesity to anorexia, so influential is the microbiome that some researchers are calling it the second brain.
The microbiome plays a key role in keeping children physically and mentally healthy and also reduce the risk of illness and disease. Many ailments in adults could have been avoided by taking good care of your gut in your early development years.
The Gut microbiome is established in the early years of life, new research has revealed that a child has until the age of two-and-a-half to establish healthy gut bacteria with little change after this point.
Kids Gut Health and the Immune System.
The Gut is linked to many different systems in the body, Immunity being one of the main links. Healthy strong immunity relies on good gut health. 70% of the immune system is located in the gut. A healthy microbiome may help reduce the risk of other digestive concerns commonly found in your little one such as constipations, diarrhea, IBS, eczema and a susceptibility of colds and flu’s. Having a healthy microflora, made up of an array of good bacteria early in life has also been associated with a decreased risk of chronic diseases later in life.
Investing in your child’s gut health in their early years will not only improve their overall health in the short term but will also set them up for good health later in life!
Newcastle University. "Importance of infant diet in establishing a healthy gut." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 October 2018. <>.